A Theoretical Framework to Measure Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy among Hungarian Residents |
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Status = Published
Subject = T Technology / alkalmazott, műszaki tudományok: TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering / elektrotechnika, elektronika, atomtechnika Type = Article Subject = Q Science / természettudomány: QC Physics / fizika: QC980-QC999 Climatology and climate change / klimatológia és éghajlatváltozás |
Cím: |
A Theoretical Framework to Measure Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy among Hungarian Residents
Létrehozó: |
Bihari, Péter
Dátum: |
Téma: |
QC980-QC999 Climatology and climate change / klimatológia és éghajlatváltozás
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering / elektrotechnika, elektronika, atomtechnika
Tartalmi leírás: |
Global warming is a pressing issue, but so does economic development and the constantly increasing electricity demand. Governments have to find the balance between conserving the Earth’s atmosphere for future generations and fueling their country’s economy to achieve higher output. Nuclear energy seems like a solid solution for both problems. It can help to replace the fossil fuels in the electricity mix and at the same time reduce CO2 emission, however thanks to the specificities of the technology a lot of people are skeptical about it. The aim of this study is to review the currently available behavioral and technology acceptance models - such as TRA, TPB, TAM, Risk-Benefit Concept, PADM - and based on the results build a new model, that could serve as a basis for a future survey among Hungarian residents related to the acceptance of nuclear energy generation.
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Azonosító: |
Bihari, Péter (2024) A Theoretical Framework to Measure Social Acceptance of Nuclear Energy among Hungarian Residents. THEORY METHODOLOGY PRACTICE: CLUB OF ECONOMICS IN MISKOLC, 20 (2). pp. 17-31. ISSN 1589-3413
Kapcsolat: |
MTMT:35434454 10.18096/TMP.2024.02.02
Létrehozó: |