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Nove paradigme poučavanja u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu [New teaching paradigms in the croatian education system with practical examples]

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Archívum: REAL
Gyűjtemény: Status = Published
Subject = L Education / oktatás: L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában: L11 Teaching methods / oktatásmódszertan
Subject = L Education / oktatás: L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában
Subject = L Education / oktatás: LB Theory and practice of education / oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata: LB2361 Curriculum / tanterv, tantervelmélet
Type = Article
Nove paradigme poučavanja u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu [New teaching paradigms in the croatian education system with practical examples]
Golovrški, Natalija
Trupinić, Đurđa
Lukačević, Verica
Eötvös József Főiskola
L1 Education (General) / oktatás általában
L11 Teaching methods / oktatásmódszertan
LB2361 Curriculum / tanterv, tantervelmélet
Tartalmi leírás:
Iako se u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu prate svjetski obrazovni trendovi, službena promjena paradigmi poučavanja intenzivirala se uvođenjem novih nacionalnih kurikuluma. Ta je promjena uvjetovala primjenu novih strategija i metoda poučavanja. Nastava je usmjerena prema učeniku, a učitelj je voditelj, savjetnik i suradnik učeniku u praćenju napretka. Takav pristup podrazumijeva kognitivno i fizičko uključivanje učenika u aktivnosti koje zahtijevaju redovito samovrednovanje učenja i naučenog, rješavanje problema, izvođenje zaključaka i izražavanje stavova. Pristup vodi k cjelovitom sagledavanju svijeta povezanim ostvarivanjem odgojno-obrazovnih ishoda. U ovom će radu praktičnim primjerima biti pokazano povezano ostvarivanje ishoda triju predmeta: Hrvatskoga jezika, Matematike i Prirode i društva. Istaknut ćemo strukturu poučavanja u svim fazama: od oblikovanja ishoda nastavne aktivnosti, planiranja vrednovanja, izbora sadržaja i metoda do realizacije nastavne aktivnosti i refleksije. Takvim se načinom poučavanja odmičemo od sadržaja, a naglasak stavljamo na učenje s razumijevanjem, kritičko promišljanje i učenje za život. | Although the Croatian education system follows global educational trends, the official change in teaching paradigms is intensified with the introduction of new national curricula. This change brought the application of new teaching strategies and methods. Teaching is directed towards the student, and the teacher is the leader, advisor and collaborator of the student in monitoring progress. Such an approach implies the cognitive and physical involvement of students in activities that require regular self-evaluation of learning and what has been learned, solving problems, drawing conclusions and expressing opinions. The approach leads to a comprehensive view of the world connected with the achievement of educational outcomes. With a practical example, we will show the connected realization of the outcomes of three subjects: Croatian language, Mathematics and Nature and society. We will present the structure of teaching in all phases: from shaping the outcome of the teaching activity, planning evaluation, choosing content and methods to the realization of the teaching activity and reflection. This way of teaching moves away from the content, and emphasizes learning with understanding, critical thinking and learning for life.
Golovrški, Natalija and Trupinić, Đurđa and Lukačević, Verica (2023) Nove paradigme poučavanja u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu [New teaching paradigms in the croatian education system with practical examples]. DANUBIUS NOSTER: AZ EÖTVÖS JÓZSEF FŐISKOLA TUDOMÁNYOS FOLYÓIRATA, 11 (2). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2064-1060
MTMT:34580148 doi:10.55072/DN.2023.2.63